值此仲夏之际,由深圳珠宝博物馆,联合富丽宝石集团主办的“橄·爱——橄榄石的生命之旅”将于明日起正式拉开帷幕。本次展览将由三个单元主题系统讲述橄榄石的孕育过程、雕刻技艺与珠宝应用,完整再述其生命的篇章。孙倩、肖信同、Annoushka Ducas、何诗思等著名珠宝设计师与富丽宝石、琹生珠宝、万希泉等品牌的精彩作品将在本次展览中悉数展出,欢迎前来观赏打卡!
Originating from magma deep into the Earth’s mantle, peridot crystallised during the transformation of searing lava flows. It also descended from the firmament above, remaining hidden on the Moon, Mars, and even meteorites until humans discovered it while exploring the mysterious universe.
Around 1500 B.C., the distinct yellowish-green hue of peridot gained popularity worldwide since people embarked on the mining of peridot deposits on islands in the Red Sea. And over 3,500 years until now honing peridot jewellery pieces into exquisite has witnessed the advancement of human civilisation as the tide of times forges ahead. This process has contributed to the development of science and technology, leading to a more systematic understanding of peridot and the creation of increasingly beautiful facets of this gemstone. As a result, peridot has reached a stage where its beauty is maximised. With the exploration of the Dunhua City Yiqisong Nanshan Peridot Mine in Jilin Province, China, the vibrant green colour of peridot merges with the splendour of Chinese civilisation. It also stands as a precious symbol of the Changbai Mountains’ natural endowment, shining in the world with a demonstration of China’s rich heritage. Apart from its usage in jewellery, peridot is also utilised in a wide range of industrial fields. Theoretically, small particles of peridot can absorb carbon dioxide from the air, potentially serving for environmental protection in the future.
There flourishes midsummer under the light, lulled in these colours with the dances and delight. In this exhibition cooperated with Fuli Gemstones, we invite you to join us and compose this special rhythm: OLOVE: Hope for the Future: 3 Remarkable Materials: Peridot, Olivine & Basalt. Let us together witness the birth, carving, and creation that peridot undergoes, and experience this mind-blowing journey in its warm, bright green glow.
Part 1: Under-nature: Birth
From being forged by the mantle’s magma to forming sparkling crystals, peridot is born through the powerful forces of nature. Peridot initially crystallised under the natural influence of fusion and high temperatures. During volcanic eruptions, the magma incorporates the peridot crystals and transports them to the surface, where they occur in nodules within the basalt. Peridot can also originate from outer space, as evidenced by its presence on the Moon, Mars, and meteorites. Currently, gem-quality peridot is mainly found in China, the USA, Burma, and Pakistan. This section presents the physical characteristics of peridot by providing mineral specimens, including peridot ores with wall rocks, uncut peridot, and pallasite. It also provides visual materials such as pictures depicting the formation of peridot and a map illustrating the global distribution of peridot deposits.
Part 2: Into-nature: Carving
Practice makes perfect. Natural peridot undergoes rigorous grading and polishing processes before skilled artisans carve it into exquisite jewellery pieces, bringing its vibrant green colour to life. The rough peridot stone showcases a variety of green shades thanks to the wisdom and practices of gemmologists. This section presents from the grading and processing of raw materials to a selection of peridot with different cuts, combined with images of the peridot’s internal characteristics, to offer a microscopic and diverse perspective of the peridot into nature and craftsmanship.
Part 3: Beyond-nature: Creation
When the Egyptians captured the light of the sun in the peridot, they were suddenly and spectacularly confronted by its unimaginable beauty through refraction. In many ancient Egyptian traditions, the peridot was worshipped as the “gem of the sun”.
This section goes beyond the mythical spin of Egyptian legends and delves into a more complex story about jewellery as an art form throughout historical changes. By focusing on the design of the peridot, it explores how Naturalism in the 19th century and the Art Deco style of the 20th century became prominent trends in jewellery, defining a luxurious style that resonated across Europe and modern China. It also considers how Chinese jewellery styles innovatively adapted the traditional cultures in response to an increasingly interconnected world, especially under the influence of China chic.
Featuring designers’ interpretations of peridot, as well as objects from Fuli Gemstones collection, this section showcases exquisitely crafted peridot rings, necklaces, brooches, and bracelets, including extraordinary showpieces like watches and clothes. It also highlights the applications of peridot and basalt in modern technology and industry. Whether coveted as objects of fashionable trends or as a representation of innovation with cutting-edge technology, peridot has remained a symbol of beauty and luxury across time and cultures – and its legacy persists in our attitudes to luxury today.
Peridot is born to shine in the world as a green treasure that originates from the depths of the earth and the boundless universe. The raw peridot stone has been carefully selected, polished, carved, and turned into jewellery that embodies emotions and cultures. Today, the discovery of Yiqisong Nanshan Peridot Mine in Dunhua City, Jilin Province, China, has revitalised peridot, infusing it with fashionable ideas and new designs. Through the dialogue between AI-designed peridot jewellery and the green applications of basalt and olivine sand, peridot continues to offer new prospects for sustainable development. The union of the natural world and human civilisation is interpreted here in peridot.
From the subterranean world to the vast universe, and through human civilisation, we have witnessed the birth, carving and creation of peridot while completing the journey into peridot. And Yiqisong Nanshan Peridot Mine in the Changbai Mountains will carry the heritage of Chinese culture and write a new chapter in the history of peridot.